Two Point Hospital Wiki
Two Point Hospital Wiki


Speedy Recovery is the seventh DLC expansion for Two Point Hospital.

Releasing on 15th March 2022 for the PC edition, Speedy Recovery features 3 new locations, 3 new, fully animated cure machines, 6 new visual illnesses, 19 new illnesses in total, new ambulance dispatch gameplay, new music, DJ and tannoy lines.

Featuring an all-new emergency response system run by the player using a fleet of ambulances, this DLC features three new hospitals, including returns to the Pointy Mountains and Pebberley Island (although this will not require the Bigfoot or Pebberley Island DLCs, nor unlock any content from them).



Everyday thousands of citizens hurt themselves in new and amusing ways, these people need our help, but how? A traditional ambulance is no match for the perils of today, lucky for us, the County’s brightest minds are up to the task!

Meet Gretchen Gearbox, world-class mechanic and inventor, friend to the sickly and the stung by bees. Use Gretchen’s designs to build and manage a fleet of innovative and unorthodox ambulances, designed for every and any emergency situation. Head off-road with the Big Healer or cram in a laughable load with the Pantomobile. Fly in timeless style with the Relicopter or squat through the skies in glorious privacy with the Airloovator.

You’ll need to race to scoop up the profits, I mean patients, as rival hospitals hit the streets with their own new ambulance alternatives. Start your engines, polish your stethoscope and may the fastest hospital win!



As soon as the player returns to the world map after achieving Star Level Star-Icon in Flemington, three hospitals will be unlocked: Smogley, Melt Downs and Underlook Hotel. In addition, a number of Map Pins will have appeared, one of which is a small island bearing two ambulance stations and a radio tower, connected by a bridge to the mainland near Lower Bullocks.


Clicking on this pin will unlock the first level of the Speedy Recovery DLC (World 12), Ailing. It is advisable, however, not to play this level yet. The three levels in this DLC require several treatment rooms, most notably the multi-illness rooms Surgery and DNA Lab, that are unlocked in the three hospitals of World 3, as well as Sweaty Palms. Gaining Star Level Star-Icon in Duckworth-upon-Bilge will cause Speedy Recovery to be unlocked naturally.


Since the hospitals in this DLC are in three disparate locations, the Map Pin will remain on the map, where it can be selected to open a menu that will allow the player to move directly to a Speedy Recovery hospital of their choice. A matching Map Pin is also found next to each of the three hospitals for similar convenience.



In contrast to prior hospitals in Two Point Hospital, in Speedy Recovery the player will take a more active role in the acquisition of emergency patients. Emergencies will occur with great frequency in the local area, and the player must dispatch ambulances (please see below for more details) to save patients, and prevent rivals from doing the same.

Pressing the Two-Two-Point-Nav-Icon button in the Emergency Response panel will open up the Two Two Point Nav, which features the Emergency Dispatch Map. On this screen, emergencies will spawn, with three main aspects to each; major or minor status, method of travel, and severity:


Major emergencies appear in red, and focus on one or two illnesses, although others will also be present among the 20 patients. Yellow minor emergencies feature various illnesses, with no particular focus, and a variable patient count.


There are two ways to reach emergency scenes: road-based and air-based ambulances. Emergencies with a steering wheel icon must be driven to, those with a paper plane icon must be flown to, and an exclamation mark icon indicates that either way will work.


The number of smaller triangles at the bottom of the icon indicate the severity of the emergency, varying from one to five. The higher the severity level, the more danger the patients are in, and the quicker should be the response.


Selecting an emergency icon will bring up the details of the emergency itself, beginning with its name and location. Below this is the line-up of patients. At the start, all patients will appear in green Emergency-Dispatch-Map-Patient-Green, indicating they are healthy. This will not last. As the time limit decreases, and the raised point at the end of the progress bar approaches each patient, they will change to orange Emergency-Dispatch-Map-Patient-Orange and then red Emergency-Dispatch-Map-Patient-Red. When the point reaches each patient, they will die, represented by a ghost Emergency-Dispatch-Map-Ghost. Patients that have been successfully retrieved by the player (or a rival), will be replaced with a star Emergency-Dispatch-Map-Star.

Please click through this gallery to view the process of dispatching an ambulance to an emergency from the player's own hospital Emergency-Dispatch-Map-Hospital to the accident scene, as shown in the tutorial section of Ailing.

Unless their assignment is cancelled, ambulances will make return trips to the scene automatically as long as living patients are still available. An emergency will not disappear from the map until all patients have been retrieved or have died, all ambulances (including those belonging to rivals) have returned to base, and the player's ambulances assigned to that emergency are ready to depart again (having unloaded all patients and been repaired, if broken down).


Each hospital will feature two rival foundations, competing for patients, profits and performance. Pressing the Emergency-Reponse-League-Tables-Icon button in the Emergency Response panel will open up the Emergency Response League Table, on which the patient will see their performance relative to the others. Several star objectives in these three hospitals will centre around these rankings.

The emergencies that will show up are different in each hospital, particularly with regards to Major Emergencies. Please see the respective pages for Ailing, Betts Shore and Pointy Pass for specific details.

Gretchen Gearbox[]


In lieu of a VIP inspector, Speedy Recovery introduces engineer Gretchen Gearbox. In the style of "Doctor" Roderick Cushion before her, Gretchen will join the player's staff roster in order to upgrade and maintain the ambulances she has invented for the Foundation.

Gretchen is the only person who can train janitors with Vehicular Mechanics, as there is no guest trainer for this qualification. With this qualification, both she and her protégés can both upgrade and maintain the player's fleet of ambulances.


Each hospital in Speedy Recovery has at least one double-garage by the ambulance stations. Gretchen will make one of these her base of operations, and take her breaks there. Although she closes the door, and sparks are constantly emanating from behind it, she can be picked up and put back to work if there is a pressing need.



With only the Compliant Colin available at the outset of Ailing, the other five ambulances and upgrades for all six must be researched. The road-based ambulances are made available in Ailing, with the Relicopter being introduced in Betts Shore, and the final two in Pointy Pass.

Ambulances are used to retrieve patients from emergency sites, with three made for road-based operation, and three airborne. Each has advantages and drawbacks, as detailed in the following table.

Where a cell contains multiple values, the second and third values represent the level II and III upgraded forms of the ambulance. Each upgrades raises the ambulance's diagnostic power and one other attribute.

Driving-Icon Road-Based Speed Durability Capacity Diagnosis Parking
Emergency-Dispatch-Map-Compliant-Colin Compliant Colin Moderate Low
II: +25%
III: +35%
CharactersTab-Icon5 Moderate
II: +15%
III: +30%
Unsafe Cornering
Emergency-Dispatch-Map-Pantomobile Pantomobile Low VERY Low
(breaks down
every trip)
II: 16
III: 20
II: +15%
III: +30%
Amusing Appearance
Emergency-Dispatch-Map-Big-Healer Big Healer High
II: +7.5%
III: +15%
Exceptional CharactersTab-Icon3 Poor
II: +15%
III: +30%
Intimidating Presence
Flying-Icon Air-Based Speed Durability Capacity Diagnosis Parking
Emergency-Dispatch-Map-Relicopter Relicopter Moderate Moderate CharactersTab-Icon2
II: 4
III: 6
II: +20%
III: +40%
Classic Design
Emergency-Dispatch-Map-Airloovator Airloovator Exceptional Moderate
II: +5%
III: +10%
CharactersTab-Icon1 Very Poor
II: +10%
III: +20%
Well Facilitated
Emergency-Dispatch-Map-Feather-Balloon Feather Balloon Low
II: +25%
III: +60%
High CharactersTab-Icon8 Good
II: +15%
III: +30%
Hard to Miss



Main article: World 12

Strap yourself in for a grand tour of Two Point County’s diverse landscape from the cold and wintery north to the tropical south, and take in the sights of a modern city along the way.



Cut your teeth on urban emergency response with your shiny new road ambulances!

Betts Shore[]


Return to Pebberley Island in the throes of a hurricane while developing innovative new air ambulances!

Pointy Pass[]


Scale the perilous Pointy Mountains to save stranded skiers, rescue rueful ramblers, and collect clumsy climbers! Alliteration!

Road-Based Ambulances[]

Compliant-Colin-Icon Compliant Colin
Pantomobile-Icon Pantomobile
Big-Healer-Icon Big Healer

Air-Based Ambulances[]

Relicopter-Icon Relicopter
Airloovator-Icon Airloovator
Feather-Balloon-Icon Feather Balloon

Rooms and Treatment Machines[]

Cloud-Computing-Icon Cloud Computing
Wax-Works-Icon Wax Works
Powder-Room-Icon Powder Room
Storm-Drain-Icon Storm Drain
Honey-Trap-Icon Honey Trap
Flake-Cannon-Icon Flake Cannon

New Illnesses[]

Discover a host of new illnesses and treatments as you get your patients back on the road to recovery:

Visual Illnesses[]

Cyclonic Irritation Hazardous Waist Hive Mind Snow Problem Under The Weather Wet Behind The Ears

Other Illnesses[]

Fracture-Ward-Icon Hairline Fracture
Fracture-Ward-Icon Piste Off
Fracture-Ward-Icon Scrambled Legs
Psychiatry-Icon Alarmed
Psychiatry-Icon Mean Feet

Injection-Room-Icon Frosted Tips
Surgery-Icon Pelvic Crust
Surgery-Icon Shaken Kidneys
Surgery-Icon Weathered Veins

Pharmacy-Icon Sticky
Ward-Icon Busy Body
Ward-Icon Peaky
Ward-Icon Traffic Jam


Speedy Recovery includes a host of flashy new items to get all revved up about, including:

Ambulance-Chair-Icon Ambulance Chair
Ambulance-Race-Track-Icon Ambulance Race Track
Cuddly-Penguin-Icon Cuddly Penguin
Duck-Bin-Icon Duck Bin
Fuzzy-Rug-Icon Fuzzy Rug

Gretchen-Sign-Icon Gretchen Sign
Golden-Leg-Cast-Icon Golden Leg Cast
Hive-Mind-Poster-Icon Hive Mind Poster
Honey-Pot-Icon Honey Pot
Mini-Snowman-Icon Mini Snowman

Nose-Bug-Icon Nose Bug
Rainbow-Arches-Icon Rainbow Arches
Snow-Problem-Poster-Icon Snow Problem Poster
Under-The-Weather-Poster-Icon Under The Weather Poster
Weather-Or-Not-Icon Weather Or Not


Main article: Steam Achievements
The-(Seventh)-New-Gold-Standard The (Seventh) New Gold Standard
Earn 108 Gold Stars
Intensive-Car-Unit Intensive Car Unit
Earn 1 Star at each hospital in Speedy Recovery
You-Got-All-The-Best-Lines You Got All The Best Lines
Reach the top of every league table at once for 3 months
It's-a-Wind-up It's a Wind-up
Collect 20 patients in one trip with a Pantomobile.
Diversified-Portaloo Diversified Portaloo
Have at least one of each type of ambulance fully upgraded in the same hospital.

Unused Content[]

Descriptions of several emergencies can be found in the game's files, mainly matching Ailing's locations, including some illnesses that weren't included in Speedy Recovery as released, such as Jest Infection.

Emergency Description
Commuter Mutations Why do they call it "rush hour" when everything moves so slowly? Ha ha. Oh don't mind me, I'm just trying out some observational material for an open mic night. Meanwhile some commuters have fallen victim to an outbreak of Traffic Jam and other illnesses.
Infectious Rhythm A local club DJ has greatly exceeded safe catchiness limits. The sick beats have thankfully been stopped but there are still many sick people, with Night Fever and other illnesses, to be seen to.
Mirth Quake A local theater has literally erupted with laughter, causing massive damage to infrastructure, and leaving Jest Infection and other illnesses in its wake.
No Accounting For Taste An anonymous caller has informed the emergency dispatch operator that they really REALLY don't like their job at an accounting firm. There are several sufferers of Turtle Head and other illnesses to be collected.
Too Many Cooks Rivalry at a local cookery competition has escalated dangerously. Patients with Pandemic and other illnesses are in urgent need of attention.

In addition, various "generic" emergencies are included for the three main visual illnesses, and several multi-illness treatment rooms.

Emergency Description
Under The Weather Emergency Some patients are feeling under the weather at this location.
Hive Mind Emergency This location is really buzzing with patients in need of collection.
Snow Problem Emergency If it's no problem, some patients are in need of collection at this location.
Fracture Ward Emergency Clumsy individuals are here in need of collection.
Injection Clinic Emergency Patients at this location are in need of collection to deal with their pins and needles.
Pharmacy Emergency Patients at this location need a taste of their own medicine.
Psychiatry Emergency Some patients at this location need collecting to help get their heads right.
Surgery Emergency There are people at this location reporting that their inside bits are all wrong in need of collection.
Ward Emergency Patients at this location would appreciate collection and a lie down.

The game's files contain two location images for Ailing that are not used on the Emergency Dispatch Map. Identified as "Business" and "Entertainment", the images match two more location names that are found elsewhere in the game's files, "Fleece Street" and "The Best End".

A multitude of Emergency icons exist in the game, many of which are not used in the actual game. Below is a complete collection:

Emergency-Minor-Both-1-Icon Emergency-Minor-Both-2-Icon Emergency-Minor-Both-3-Icon Emergency-Minor-Both-4-Icon Emergency-Major-Both-1-Icon Emergency-Major-Both-2-Icon Emergency-Major-Both-3-Icon Emergency-Major-Both-4-Icon Emergency-Major-Both-5-Icon
Emergency-Minor-Driving-1-Icon Emergency-Minor-Driving-2-Icon Emergency-Minor-Driving-3-Icon Emergency-Minor-Driving-4-Icon Emergency-Major-Driving-1-Icon Emergency-Major-Driving-2-Icon Emergency-Major-Driving-3-Icon Emergency-Major-Driving-4-Icon Emergency-Major-Driving-5-Icon
Emergency-Minor-Flying-1-Icon Emergency-Minor-Flying-2-Icon Emergency-Minor-Flying-3-Icon Emergency-Minor-Flying-4-Icon Emergency-Major-Flying-1-Icon Emergency-Major-Flying-2-Icon Emergency-Major-Flying-3-Icon Emergency-Major-Flying-4-Icon Emergency-Major-Flying-5-Icon
Emergency-Minor-Rescue-Both-1-Icon Emergency-Minor-Rescue-Both-2-Icon Emergency-Minor-Rescue-Both-3-Icon Emergency-Minor-Rescue-Both-4-Icon Emergency-Major-Rescue-Both-1-Icon Emergency-Major-Rescue-Both-2-Icon Emergency-Major-Rescue-Both-3-Icon Emergency-Major-Rescue-Both-4-Icon Emergency-Major-Rescue-Both-5-Icon
Emergency-Minor-Rescue-Driving-1-Icon Emergency-Minor-Rescue-Driving-2-Icon Emergency-Minor-Rescue-Driving-3-Icon Emergency-Minor-Rescue-Driving-4-Icon Emergency-Major-Rescue-Driving-1-Icon Emergency-Major-Rescue-Driving-2-Icon Emergency-Major-Rescue-Driving-3-Icon Emergency-Major-Rescue-Driving-4-Icon Emergency-Major-Rescue-Driving-5-Icon
Emergency-Minor-Rescue-Flying-1-Icon Emergency-Minor-Rescue-Flying-2-Icon Emergency-Minor-Rescue-Flying-3-Icon Emergency-Minor-Rescue-Flying-4-Icon Emergency-Major-Rescue-Flying-1-Icon Emergency-Major-Rescue-Flying-2-Icon Emergency-Major-Rescue-Flying-3-Icon Emergency-Major-Rescue-Flying-4-Icon Emergency-Major-Rescue-Flying-5-Icon

Hospital DLCs BigfootPebberley IslandClose EncountersOff The GridCulture ShockA Stitch In TimeSpeedy RecoveryR.E.M.I. X Mode
Item/Costume Packs Retro Items PackExhibition Items PackFancy Dress Pack
Hospital Pass Golden Bathroom SuiteThe Superbug Initiative
Free Items Item SetsSEGA CollectionSEGA 60th Items