Two Point Hospital Wiki
Two Point Hospital Wiki

"And so another day begins in Two Point County, where students at the Mitton School of Medicine may soon be able to practice on actual, living, people! Any budding doctors should remember that gluing heads back on to accidentally-decapitated patients is all very well with dummies, but there are no do-overs in real life..."
―Sir Nigel Bickleworth

Mitton University is the first hospital in World 2 of Two Point Hospital. To unlock it, the player will need to reach Star Level Star-Icon in Flottering, which will also grant them access to Tumble. It is the first cold climate hospital in the game, and is notable both for introducing Research to the game, and for only providing student doctors and nurses to hire, making Staff Training a necessity. In addition, it is the first of Two Point County's cold maps, requiring the use of radiators, and other warming devices.

A new VIP Visitor will arrive, in the form of Augustus Lavender, CEO of Holistix, here to judge and make both a mess and a nuisance of himself. A new clinic illness, Grey Anatomy, will make its first appearance, as well as the Chromatherapy room, in which it can be treated. This room must be developed in the Research room, as can be Fluid Analysis, X-Ray, M.E.G.A Scan and the Injection Room, the latter of which will also be required to treat patients in Mitton.

Career Mode[]

Mitton University

The vice-chancellor of Mitton University has been impressed with our progress, and we've been invited to establish Mitton University Research & Teaching Hospital. This is a great opportunity for us, we can set up a research department and develop some new tech!

We'll only be able to recruit student doctors and nurses here, so we'll need to train them up. Mitton University will provide us with extra funds for each person we train, and each research project we complete.

Firstly though, we'll need a research licence. The ministry will grant us one if we can demonstrate our technical prowess by establishing a hospital with some upgraded machinery.

Initial Objectives[]


Research Licence[]

Research-Icon Research
Chromatherapy-Icon Chromatherapy (Must be researched)
Injection-Room-Icon Injection Room (Must be researched)
Fluid-Analysis-Icon Fluid Analysis (Must be researched)
X-Ray-Icon X-Ray (Must be researched)
M.E.G.A-Scan-Icon M.E.G.A Scan (Must be researched)

Research Licence

Great News, the Two Point Health Ministry has granted us a research licence! This will allow any of our hospitals to research new machines, upgrades and more.

To kick off a research project we'll need a Research Room and a Doctor with a Research Qualification.

Diagnosis and treatment of patients can also contribute to research progress. Harvesting ghosts can also be very... enlightening.


A unique element with Mitton University is that all doctors and nurses available for recruitment will all be level 1, with no trained skills; janitors and assistants will still be randomly assigned levels and skills from the offset. Each time a staff member completes a training course, the player will receive a grant of Currency5,000.

Star Objectives[]

1 Star Hospital Star-Icon
Requirements Rewards
Currency10,000 Kudosh 100

Base-Icon Flemington (also requires Tumble Star-Icon)
ASIT-Icon Clockwise-upon-Thyme
Encyclopedia-Bookcase-I-Icon Encyclopedia Bookcase I
De-Lux-O-Luxe-Icon De-Lux O-Luxe III

Click to see completion letter:


Dear Hospital Administrator,

1 Star Hospital

Congratulations. Your hospital has been awarded a 1 Star rating by the Two Point Health Ministry.

It bodes well that your organisation has begun to dabble in research. Our inital notes suggested, wrongly it seems, that you weren't well suited to this particular task. Rest assured that whoever was responsible for such an off-the-mark-remark will be losing their job forthwith. Unless it was me, of course... perish the thought.

Continue with your studies for more rewards, or go elsewhere and expand your organisation.

Yours fragrantly,

Tarquin Foxbridge

Health Minister
2 Star Hospital Star-IconStar-Icon
Requirements Rewards
Currency20,000 Kudosh 150

Encyclopedia-Bookcase-II-Icon Encyclopedia Bookcase II
EZ-Scan-Icon EZ-Scan III

Click to see completion letter:


Dear Hospital Administrator,

2 Star Hospital

Congratulations. Your hospital has been awarded a 2 Star rating by the Two Point Health Ministry.

I hear that your research and development has been taking further strides: bully for you.

Continue with your studies for more rewards, or go elsewhere and expand your organisation.

Yours fragrantly,

Tarquin Foxbridge

Health Minister
3 Star Hospital Star-IconStar-IconStar-Icon
Requirements Rewards
Currency30,000 Kudosh 200

Server-Icon Server
Drug-Mixer-Icon Drug Mixer III

Click to see completion letter:


Dear Hospital Administrator,

3 Star Hospital

Congratulations. Your hospital has been awarded a 3 Star rating by the Two Point Health Ministry.

You have established a first-class research institute and a terrific boon to the university. I'm told that they're very grateful and I'd imagine that I'm supposed to be too. Alas.

Yours fragrantly,

Tarquin Foxbridge

Health Minister

Plot Information[]

Plot No. Cost Size Time to Build Prerequisite
2 Currency50,000 960m2 1 Day -
3 Currency50,000 960m2 1 Day -
4 Currency50,000 960m2 1 Day -
5 Currency30,000 576m2 1 Day -
6 Currency30,000 576m2 1 Day -
7 Currency30,000 576m2 1 Day -
8 Currency30,000 576m2 1 Day -

Illnesses Encountered[]

Below is a list of illnesses that will appear in Mitton University, and the rooms that will be required to treat them. Illnesses may arrive as a general admittance General Admittance, on an emergency-only basis Emergencies, or possibly both.

The CharactersTab-Icon icon, with a number next to it, represents how many patients can be expected if this illness appears in emergencies; it may be clicked on for more information.

Illnesses with a Star Level (Star-Icon, Star-IconStar-Icon or Star-IconStar-IconStar-Icon) next to them will only appear after that Star Level has been achieved.

Room llness General Admittance Emergencies
Chromatherapy-Icon Chromatherapy
Grey Anatomy Accept-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon7
Clown-Clinic-Icon Clown Clinic
Jest Infection Star-Icon Accept-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon7
De-Lux-Clinic-Icon De-Lux Clinic
Headcrabedness Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Injection-Room-Icon Injection Room
Decision Rash Star-IconStar-IconStar-Icon Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Mood Poisoning Star-Icon Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Rock Bottom Star-Icon Accept-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon6
Pharmacy-Icon Pharmacy
Bogwarts Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Lycanthropy Star-Icon Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Misery Guts Accept-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon4
Potty Mouth Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Psychiatry-Icon Psychiatry
Boggled Mind Star-Icon Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Freudian Lips Star-Icon Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Inflated Ego Star-Icon Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Mock Star Star-Icon Accept-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon7
Night Fever Star-Icon Accept-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon7
Ward-Icon Ward
Lazy Bones Accept-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon4
Mucky Feet Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -

Supplemental Information[]

Henry Jobsworth Sally-Figblanket-Icon
Sally Figblanket Tarquin-Foxbridge-Icon
Tarquin Foxbridge
Augustus Lavender
Online Challenges
Research Challenge Training-Icon
Training Challenge Mechanics-Icon
Upgrades Challenge
Rising Star Patients'-Choice-Award-Icon
Patients' Choice Award
Employer of the Year Most-Prestigious-Hospital-Icon
Most Prestigious Hospital
No Deaths Best-Research-Hospital-Icon
Best Research Hospital
Best Teaching Hospital Hospital-of-the-Year-Icon
Hospital of the Year


R.E.M.I. X Mode[]

Main article: R.E.M.I. X
School Project

Mitton's school of medicine values two skills above all others. No, not treatment and diagnosis, but training and research!

Demonstrate your aptitude in both pursuits to receive joint honours, unlock all of the University's buildings and earn an extremely distinguished digital Star.

Plot Challenge Mode[]


First used in Pebberley Island DLC hospital Overgrowth, and previously in R.E.M.I. X in Lower Bullocks, Plot Challenge Mode involves unlocking plots by fulfilling targets. rather than purchasing them with currency. As the plots must be unlocked consecutively, only two can be worked on at a time.

When the objectives for a plot have been achieved, it will unlock immediately, and the next plot will be automatically selected. The Star Challenge section below specifies the neceessary objectives that the player must achieve.


Like with career mode, all doctors and nurses available for recruitment will all be level 1, with no trained skills; janitors and assistants will still be randomly assigned levels and skills from the offset. However, each time a staff member completes a training course, the player will receive a grant of Currency10,000.

Star Challenge[]

REMIX Star Hospital REMIX-Icon
Requirements Rewards
  • Own 8 Plots
Currency10,000 Kudosh 100
Plot 2 Objective Plot 3 Objective
Requires Plot 5 Requires Plot 8
Plot 4 Objective Plot 5 Objective
Requires Plot 6 or Plot 7
Plot 6 Objective Plot 7 Objective
Requires Plot 2
Time Limit: 180 days

Requires Plot 3

Plot 8 Objective

Click to see completion letter:


Unlike in Career Mode, completion letters for R.E.M.I. X hospitals are randomly generated, featuring a complimentary word beginning with 'S'.

A sample of those included is presented on the main R.E.M.I. X page.

Illnesses Encountered[]

Below is a list of illnesses that will appear in Mitton University, and the rooms that will be required to treat them. Illnesses may arrive as a general admittance General Admittance, on an emergency-only basis Emergencies, or possibly both.

The CharactersTab-Icon icon, with a number next to it, represents how many patients can be expected if this illness appears in emergencies; it may be clicked on for more information.

Room Illness General Admittance Emergencies
Chromatherapy-Icon Chromatherapy
Grey Anatomy Accept-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon7
Clown-Clinic-Icon Clown Clinic
Jest Infection Accept-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon8
De-Lux-Clinic-Icon De-Lux Clinic
Headcrabedness Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Injection-Room-Icon Injection Room
Litter Bug Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Pudding Blood Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Spontaneous Combustion Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Pans-Lab-Icon Pans Lab
Pandemic Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Pest-Control-Icon Pest Control
Animal Magnetism Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Pharmacy-Icon Pharmacy
Bogwarts Reject-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon5
Lycanthropy Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Misery Guts Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Potty Mouth Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Verbal Diarrhoea Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Psychiatry-Icon Psychiatry
Boggled Mind Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Inflated Ego Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Mime Crisis Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Night Fever Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Ward-Icon Ward
Jazz Hand Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Lazy Bones Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Monobrow Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Mucky Feet Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -

Supplemental Information[]

Henry Jobsworth Sally-Figblanket-Icon
Sally Figblanket Roderick-Cushion-Icon
Roderick Cushion
Rising Star Patients'-Choice-Award-Icon
Patients' Choice Award
Employer of the Year Most-Prestigious-Hospital-Icon
Most Prestigious Hospital
No Deaths Best-Research-Hospital-Icon
Best Research Hospital
Best Teaching Hospital Hospital-of-the-Year-Icon
Hospital of the Year


Mitton University's savefile is named 904.sav. The R.E.M.I.X version is named 1904.sav.

Two Point Hospital HogsportLower BullocksFlotteringMitton UniversityTumbleFlemingtonSmogleyMelt DownsDuckworth-upon-BilgeGrockle BaySweaty PalmsBlightonPelican WharfRotting HillCroquembouche
Bigfoot DLC Underlook HotelSwelbardRoquefort Castle
Pebberley Island DLC Pebberley ReefOvergrowthTopless Mountain
Close Encounters DLC GoldpanCamouflage FallsChasm 24
Off The Grid DLC WanderoffOld NewpointWindsock
Culture Shock DLC Plywood StudiosMudbury FestivalFitzpocket Academy
A Stitch In Time DLC Clockwise-upon-ThymeClockwise-before-ThymeClockwise-above-Thyme
Speedy Recovery DLC AilingBetts ShorePointy Pass