Two Point Hospital Wiki
Two Point Hospital Wiki

"Rise and shine, everyone! If you happen to be in Lower Bullocks this morning, watch out for the gathering of druids down in Grogbin's Ring. In a total coincidence, the town will also play host to a psychology convention today... should all work out nicely..."
―Harrison Wolff

Lower Bullocks is the second hospital in World 1 of Two Point Hospital. To unlock it, the player will need to reach Star Level Star-Icon in Hogsport. Progressing through the hospital's objectives will grant upgrades to the Foundation's diagnosis and treatment machines.

A new VIP Visitor will visit the hospital: Two Point Radio's roving reporter, Sally Figblanket, looking for a scoop. Patients can be both treated and diagnosed in the new Psychiatry, while a new diagnosis room, Cardiology, is made available at Star Level Star-Icon. A new clinic illness, Pandemic, will make its first appearance, along with the Pans Lab, in which it can be treated.

Career Mode[]

Staff Qualifications

Welcome to Lower Bullocks. It's a lovely little village with a big problem. A significant proportion believe themselves to be rock stars. There is only one thing that can cure this... Psychiatry.

Only Doctors with a Psychiatry Qualification will be able to diagnose and treat people in a Psychiatry Room. We've managed to find one, but you should keep your eyes peeled for job applicants with Psychiatry and other useful qualifications.

Initial Objectives[]


New Technology

We've been contacted by Bungle Technologies, who run various research hospitals across the county. They have an interesting proposition for us. Their psychiatry licence was recently revoked due to an incident with... well it's best not to go into it. They want to send us psychiatry patients, and in exchange will allow us to buy some of their latest technology.

Until our organisation acquires a research licence, we need all the technology we can get our hands on.

New Technology[]

Drug-Mixer-Icon Drug Mixer II
EZ-Scan-Icon EZ-Scan II

New Technology

Bungle Technologies have given us access to some of their latest technology: a Pharmacy Drug Mixer upgrade, and a General Diagnosis EZ-Scan machine upgrade. If we buy these for our machines, they will become more powerful, helping us diagnose and cure more patients.

To upgrade a machine, we'll need a Janitor with a Mechanics Qualification. Select the machine and choose the upgrade option. A qualified Janitor will then upgrade the machine over time.

Give it a try and Bungle might have some more tech for us...

New Technology[]

Pans-Lab-Icon Pans Lab

New Technology

Great, the machine upgrade is complete! Make sure we've got a few fire extinguishers dotted around to keep our precious machine safe.

Bungle Technologies are grateful for our continued support with their psychiatry patients, and have given us access to one of their machines: the Extract-a-Pan. This high tech gadget is great for removal of unwanted kitchen utensils. Look out for people in need of this!

Continue expanding the hospital to unlock some more technology. Buying another plot of land nearby will give us more space to develop the hospital.

Star Objectives[]

1 Star Hospital Star-Icon
Requirements Rewards
Currency10,000 Kudosh 100

Base-Icon Flottering
Cardiology-Icon Cardiology

Click to see completion letter:


Dear Hospital Administrator,

1 Star Hospital

Congratulations. Your hospital has been awarded a 1 Star rating by the Two Point Health Ministry. Like lightning, you have made a mockery of your detractors by striking a second time...

You are commended on your endeavours into the inner workings of machines and the human mind, respectively. Now, focus on your budding two-headed empire, or add a third head, by opening a new hospital in Flottering, as it's currently not much of an empire.

Yours fragrantly,

Tarquin Foxbridge

Health Minister
2 Star Hospital Star-IconStar-Icon
Requirements Rewards
Currency20,000 Kudosh 150

Extract-a-Pan-Icon Extract-a-Pan II

Click to see completion letter:


Dear Hospital Administrator,

2 Star Hospital

Congratulations. Your hospital has been awarded a 2 Star rating by the Two Point Health Ministry.

Your organisation's lifespan continues to eclipse even the most daring predictions from our office-wide wager. As you grow larger, and procure new plates that require spinning, the inevitable crash draws nearer and nearer. Best not to think about it.

Yours fragrantly,

Tarquin Foxbridge

Health Minister
3 Star Hospital Star-IconStar-IconStar-Icon
Requirements Rewards
Currency30,000 Kudosh 200

Extract-a-Pan-Icon Extract-a-Pan III

Click to see completion letter:


Dear Hospital Administrator,

3 Star Hospital

Congratulations. Your hospital has been awarded a 3 Star rating by the Two Point Health Ministry.

Being recognised as a first-class establishment is always an accomplishment to be celebrated. May your festivities be righteous, but brief, then get back to work.

Yours fragrantly,

Tarquin Foxbridge

Health Minister

Plot Information[]

Plot No. Cost Size Time to Build Prerequisite
2 Currency50,000 960m2 16 Days -
3 Currency25,000 600m2 16 Days -
4 Currency75,000 1364m2 16 Days -

Illnesses Encountered[]

Below is a list of illnesses that will appear in Lower Bullocks, and the rooms that will be required to treat them. Illnesses may arrive as a general admittance General Admittance, on an emergency-only basis Emergencies, or possibly both.

The CharactersTab-Icon icon, with a number next to it, represents how many patients can be expected if this illness appears in emergencies; it may be clicked on for more information.

Illnesses with a Star Level (Star-Icon, Star-IconStar-Icon or Star-IconStar-IconStar-Icon) next to them will only appear after that Star Level has been achieved.

Room Illness General Admittance Emergencies
De-Lux-Clinic-Icon De-Lux Clinic
Headcrabedness Accept-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon7
Pans-Lab-Icon Pans Lab
Pandemic Accept-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon7
Pharmacy-Icon Pharmacy
Bogwarts Accept-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon1 1
Lycanthropy Star-IconStar-Icon Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Potty Mouth Star-Icon Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Verbal Diarrhoea Accept-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon5
Psychiatry-Icon Psychiatry
Freudian Lips Star-Icon Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Inflated Ego Star-IconStar-Icon Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Mock Star Accept-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon4
Ward-Icon Ward
Jazz Hand Star-IconStar-IconStar-Icon Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Lazy Bones Accept-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon4
Monobrow Star-Icon Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Portishead Accept-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon1 1

1 Patient must be diagnosed.

Supplemental Information[]

Henry Jobsworth Sally-Figblanket-Icon
Sally Figblanket
Online Challenges
Diagnosis Challenge Currency-Icon
Income Challenge Cured-Icon
Cures Challenge
Doctor of the Year Employer-of-the-Year-Icon
Employer of the Year
Nurse of the Year No-Deaths-Icon
No Deaths
Assistant of the Year Most-Prestigious-Hospital-Icon
Most Prestigious Hospital
Janitor of the Year Patients'-Choice-Award-Icon
Patients' Choice Award

R.E.M.I. X Mode[]

Main article: R.E.M.I. X
Free The Plots

The plots on this level are locked behind challenges. Complete the challenges to unlock the plots and earn a Star.

What's that? Alright, well if it sounds so simple, hurry up and do it then. Blimey.

Plot Challenge Mode[]


First used in Pebberley Island DLC hospital Overgrowth, Plot Challenge Mode involves unlocking plots by fulfilling targets. rather than purchasing them with currency. There are objectives for each of the three plots to be acquired, each of which is active from the beginning of the level.

When the objectives for a plot have been achieved, it will unlock in 10 days. The Star Challenge section below specifies the neceessary objectives that the player must achieve.

Star Challenge[]

REMIX Star Hospital REMIX-Icon
Requirements Rewards
  • Own 4 Plots
Currency10,000 Kudosh 500
Plot 2 Objective Plot 3 Objective
Plot 4 Objective

Click to see completion letter:


Unlike in Career Mode, completion letters for R.E.M.I. X hospitals are randomly generated, featuring a complimentary word beginning with 'S'.

A sample of those included is presented on the main R.E.M.I. X page.

Illnesses Encountered[]

Below is a list of illnesses that will appear in Lower Bullocks, and the rooms that will be required to treat them. Illnesses may arrive as a general admittance General Admittance, onan emergency-only basis Emergencies, or possibly both.

The CharactersTab-Icon icon, with a number next to it, represents how many patients can be expected if this illness appears in emergencies; it may be clicked on for more information

Room Illness General Admittance Emergencies
Clown-Clinic-Icon Clown Clinic
Jest Infection Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
De-Lux-Clinic-Icon De-Lux Clinic
Headcrabedness Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Pans-Lab-Icon Pans Lab
Pandemic Accept-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon7
Pharmacy-Icon Pharmacy
Bogwarts Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Lycanthropy Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Misery Guts Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Potty Mouth Accept-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon6
Verbal Diarrhoea Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Psychiatry-Icon Psychiatry
Boggled Mind Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Freudian Lips Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Inflated Ego Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Mime Crisis Accept-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon6
Mock Star Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Ward-Icon Ward
Bed Face Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Jazz Hand Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Lazy Bones Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Monobrow Accept-Icon Accept-Icon CharactersTab-Icon8
Mucky Feet Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -
Portishead Accept-Icon Reject-Icon -

Supplemental Information[]

Henry Jobsworth Sally-Figblanket-Icon
Sally Figblanket Tabitha-Windsock-Icon
Tabitha Windsock
Rising Star Patients'-Choice-Award-Icon
Patients' Choice Award
Employer of the Year Most-Prestigious-Hospital-Icon
Most Prestigious Hospital
No Deaths Best-Research-Hospital-Icon
Best Research Hospital
Best Teaching Hospital Hospital-of-the-Year-Icon
Hospital of the Year


  • Bullock is a play on the British slang word Bollocks meaning "testicles". Which helps imply why Bullocks is prefaced with "Lower", hence requiring no further explanation here.
  • Originally the Star Level 3 objectives required reaching Hospital Level 12, rather than 10, and owning 4 buildings, rather than curing 20 patients.
  • Lower Bullocks' savefile is named 902.sav. The R.E.M.I.X version is named 1902.sav
Two Point Hospital HogsportLower BullocksFlotteringMitton UniversityTumbleFlemingtonSmogleyMelt DownsDuckworth-upon-BilgeGrockle BaySweaty PalmsBlightonPelican WharfRotting HillCroquembouche
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