Two Point Hospital Wiki

Main article: Staff

Nobody likes to do the dirty jobs, except these guys, who absolutely love it. We’re not kidding: they revel in the joy of filth (also a popular read amongst the janitors of Two Point County). A puddle of human effluent is enough to give them a warm glow, not dissimilar to the warm glow the floor is now radiating.

Of course, they’re not just clearers-up of trash and wee, some of them are also highly-trained maintenance staff and ghost catchers. So both busting and someone busting for a wee make them feel good.

A Janitor is a member of staff who can be hired to keep the litter at bay as well as maintain and repair machinery in a hospital. Many machines that can be built in a hospital require a janitor to be upgraded and kept in pristine condition.

Janitor is the busiest staff in Two Point Hospital

For details on training staff members, see Staff Training.


Under the Stats Tab you can view staff type specific information. There is the pie chart and the overall skill percentages.

Charlie Work

Drinks and snacks are great for keeping people happy, but they can lead to littering if there are no bins nearby. While we're at it, staff and patients will get pretty grumpy if they don't have access to any toilets. You might want to invest in some quality porcelain.

Janitors will help maintain all of these: restocking vending machines, sweeping up litter, emptying bins, and unblocking toilets.

If a machine falls into disrepair it can be a fire hazard. Fires are generally considered, erm, bad for business.

These Are the Janitor's Roles:

  • Maintenance for machines
  • Restock vending machines
  • Sweep up litter
  • Empty bins
  • Unblock toilets
  • Upgrade Machines
  • Ghost Capture
  • Watering Plants
  • Extinguish Fire
  • Repair Aircon

Job Assignments[]

These are the tasks that Janitors can be given on the Job Assignment Screen.

Job-Assignment-Repair-Machines Repair Machines Job-Assignment-Clean-Up-Rubbish Clean Up Rubbish
Job-Assignment-Upgrade-Machines Upgrade Machines
(Requires Mechanics-Icon Mechanics Qualification)
Job-Assignment-Clean-Up-Waste Clean Up Waste (also emptying Bins)
Job-Assignment-Unblock-Toilets Unblock Toilets Job-Assignment-Capture-Ghosts Capture Ghosts
Job-Assignment-Restock-Machines Restock Machines Job-Assignment-Entinguish-Fires Extinguish Fires
Job-Assignment-Water-Plants Water Plants Vehicular-Mechanics-Icon Vehicular Mechanics
(Requires SR-Icon Speedy Recovery DLC and
Vehicular-Mechanics-Icon Vehicular Mechanics Qualification)

Janitor Training[]

Each new Ability level provides improved skill levels for members of staff. These are the base figures for Janitors, which can be improved further with Qualifications and Positive Feelings. Upgrade Skill will also not appear on the Stats Tab of the Staff Inspector until at least one level of the Mechanics Qualification is learned, but the base improvements will still be in place.











Training-Icon Training Slots
1 2 3 4 5
Maintenance-Icon Maintenance Skill
100% 120% 140% 160% 180%
Mechanics-Icon Upgrade Skill
100% 110% 120% 130% 140%
Motivation-Icon Speed
100% 115% 130% 145% 160%

Note: Movement Speed is bugged and the upgrades listed here currently do not register on the Stats Tab of the Staff Inspector.

Skill Qualifications[]


Technical Qualifications[]

Ghost Capture

Personal Qualifications[]

Emotional Intelligence
Stamina Training
Training Masterclass

Skill Combination[]

Best qualification combinations with job assignments for janitors.


Certain Items require maintenance, which can be determined by the Maintenance Visualization Mode. You can also hover over a maintainable machine to see a progress bar, indicated by a yellow triangle with a wrench, to see if it needs maintaining.

Plants Plants need watering regularly by Janitors. If they do not receive maintenance, they will begin to wilt and no longer generate Attractiveness.

Snack and Drink Machines Snack Machines and Drink Machines require refilling by Janitors. If they do not receive maintenance, they will become empty, so that Patients and Staff cannot buy from them.

Toilets and Bins Toilet Cubicles require unclogging by Jantiors and Bins require emptying. If they do not receive maintenance, they will begin to emanate low Hygiene, causing Staff and Patients who interact with them to lose Hygiene.

Machines A Janitor will be called to repair a machine if its maintenance level drops below 50%. At less than 50% maintenance, a machine will begin to spark and fizzle. On the Temperature Visualization Mode, it will appear bright Red and emanate uncomfortable Heat. If left at 0% maintenance, the machine will catch...

Fire Slight problem...One of our machines is on fire due to poor maintenance! A Janitor will look for a fire extinguisher to put out the fire before it is too late. Make sure to have enough Fire Extinguishers nearby.

Only Janitors will use Fire Extinguishers. The machine is still able to be saved at this point. If the machine is still left alone, however, there will be an...

Explosion Oh dear. One of our machines exploded. We'll need to clear up the debris, get rid of the wreckage and buy a new machine. Let's make sure we have enough fire extinguishers and Janitors too.


Main article: List of Upgradable Machines

Machine upgrades are performed by Janitors with the Mechanics-Icon Mechanics Qualification. Most level II upgrades have a base time of 37 days, with 112 days for the level III upgrades. These times can be reduced by training the same Janitor with multiple levels of Mechanics, and increase their Upgrade Skill accordingly.

Upgrading machines allows them to perform more effective Diagnosis and/or Treatment of patients. For example, a De-Lux O-Luxe II has +25% Treatment Power over the base machine, and the level III version has +50%. Early machine upgrades are obtained via completing Star Levels and other objectives in Lower Bullocks, Flottering and Mitton University. All others must be discovered by completing the appropriate Research Projcets.

Note: If a room that contains a level II or III machine is copied, the copied room will begin with a level I machine, and will require any upgrades to be performed independently of the other room.

Ghost Capture[]

Main article: Ghosts

Ghosts are often spawned when a patient dies in the hospital. A Janitor with the Ghost-Capture-Icon Ghost Capture Qualification is required to put them to rest. The janitor will head to where the ghost is haunting people, pull out a dustbuster, and vacuum it right up! If there is an Ectovat in the hospital, the ghost can be converted to energy for a member of staff to use so they can work for longer without a break.

Janitor Uniforms[]

Main article: Staff Customisation
J-Default-Icon Default
J-Faded-Icon Faded
Kudosh 20
J-Dark-Icon Dark
Kudosh 50
J-Darker-Icon Darker
Kudosh 100
J-Highly-Visible-Yellow-Icon Highly Visible Yellow
Kudosh 200
J-Highly-Visible-Orange-Icon Highly Visible Orange
Kudosh 500


Main article: Robo-Janitor

The Close Encounters DLC introduces a new type of staff member, the Robo-Janitor. They are introduced in Chasm 24 in order to maintain the disaster stabiliser devices unique to that hospital. Upon reaching Star Level 3 in Chasm 24, the Robo-Kit is made available to the player, allowing Robo-Janitors to be used in other hospitals.


Five different Robo-Janitors exist, each focusing only on a narrow set of janitorial skills, but performed more efficiently than their human counterparts. For example, a Coggerly Douse will upgrade machines with +120% skill, and extinguish fires, but will not repair machines or sweep up litter.

Also unlocked with Chasm 24 is the Charging Point, which can be placed in Staff Rooms and corridors, and used to replenish the energy levels of Robo-Janitors. They do not require a salary, and have a constant happiness level of 100%.
