Two Point Hospital Wiki
Finance Tab

In the business overview screen you can review the hospital finances, staff and patient overview, and hospital event log. You can also view leaderboards comparing your hospital to those owned by Rival Hospitals, and see the awards the hospital has won in previous years.

This 'Overview' option can be found in the Finance tab.



For a list of awards, see Hospital Awards Ceremony

You can view all awards your Two Point Foundation has ever won! Not only will the trophy be in colour to show you have received at least one in the past (at your current hospital), but each trophy shows a number in the top, left corner, indicating how many of them you have won.

When a hospital wins awards they also receive a prize, this will usually consist of money, however it could also award Reputation and/or Kudosh. Each hospital will have a different selection of awards.

For a list of all the awards available in detail, along with what hospitals they appear in and prizes offered, see Hospital Awards Ceremony.


Overview Leaderboads

This shows how you are faring against competing hospitals found within Two Point County. There are four in-game competing Rival Hospitals and any friends you have on Steam who have played the level will also be listed in each category for your comparison.


Bank Statement

Bank Statement

Displays the five or six most recent financial transactions that took place in your hospital. Including the date, the amount, debit or credit, and summary, for example, Built GP's Office or Lily Turbo hired. A scroll bar is available to view older transactions, however the Log would be a better place for more detailed financial statement information.

Financial Trends

Profit & Loss Trends

A line graph showing Yearly or Quarterly (selectable), financial trends in your hospital. A quick way of viewing profit and loss at a glance. While the graph gives no specific figures due to it's 'quick glance' nature, it does display a small circle with a percentage. This will be accompanied by a green up arrow (profit trend) or a red down arrow (loss trend).

Hospital Value

Hospital value is calculated from various factors, all of which are summed up here with how each area is performing at that exact moment, with overall value at the bottom. The amounts displayed will be up-to-date with the month and year shown, for example, Mar (Month) 48 (Year).

Hospital Value
  • Cash - Your current balance with a % indicator to show current profit or loss trend.
  • Profit Factor - Profit (net) projection based on last years trends.
  • Physical Assets - The total value of all items purchased and currently placed in your hospital, as well as the value of purhased plots.
  • Outstanding Loans - Displays the total sum of any loans currently outstanding.
  • Total - The overall current value of your hospital with a profit or loss trending indicator.

Cash Flow

Cash Flow

At a glance view of Expenses and Revenue. Using the buttons provided your can sort for the last Year or Quarter. A Financial Profits box displays overall profit or loss during the selected period.


A line graph with toggle buttons to easily display ongoing trends of all subjects covered in the Finance tab. This graph can display for the past Year or Month and exact numbers can be displayed anywhere along the line in the graph using the curser.

Finance Graph

Data available to display on the graph is everything else that can be found in the Finance Overview but in one graph, with less detail but covering a larger amount of time.


Staff Status/Morale

At a glance chart of how happy staff are in all areas that affect their happiness/morale. You can hover over each stat bar to see a tooltip of the exact percentage.

  • Staff Morale - Overall staff happiness
Staff Status Moral
  • Pay Satisfaction - Overall satisfaction with pay.
  • Energy - Current energy levels of all staff.
  • Room Prestige - An average of all rooms prestige levels.
  • Hospital Attractiveness - Overall attractiveness of your hospital.
  • Hospital Temperature - Average temperature, high % meaning comfortable, not hot or cold.
  • Hospital Hygiene - The current cleanliness of you hospital as a whole.
  • Needs - How well staff needs are being addressed.

Staff Overview

Staff are split into four types, Doctors, Nurses, Janitors and Assistants. The number is how many you have of each staff type, the overall morale and energy levels of each staff type and their Break Policy.

Staff Overview

Break Policy[]

This policy allows you to set how many staff can go on break and their break duration. There is a slider for each staff type. Use the slider to decrease (left) or increase (right) how many staff can go on break at any one time and for how long.

When using the sliders, the advisor will confirm the policy. It is possible to prevent all staff, of a given type, from taking a break by sliding all the way to the left, likewise, the policy can be set so all staff, of that type, go on break together when set all the way to the right.

The minimum break duration that can be set is 10 days, the maximum is 30 days.

Staff Development

Staff Development

It can be difficult to follow staff development as the hospitals and staff volumes grow. This allows you to see, at a glance, how many staff members are currently ready for training and promotion, along with how many staff members have been trained and promoted in the last 12 months.

In addition, below is your current total annual wage bill and your currently financial year profits. Making it easy to see if you can afford to train and promote more staff and possibly how many.


Using the buttons along the top left, you can select to see the graph results for either all the staff combined, or each type individually.

You are able to view the graph results either by Year or Month by the buttons available in the bottom left.

Staff Graph

Like with other graphs you can move the curser along the line for an exact reading.

Data available to display on the graph is everything else that can be found in the Staff Overview but in one graph, with less detail but covering a larger amount of time.

Note: The Staff Rank is the overall average qualification level of all staff in the hospital.


Patient Overview

At a glance overview of how happy or upset the patients are in the hospital. The Happiness and Health bars show an overall average from all patients currently in the hospital with a green up arrow with a percentage (%) or a red down arrow with a percentage (%) indicating current trend. Showing if happiness and health are trending upwards and improving, or currently declining.

Patient Overview

The advisor keeps you informed of how many patients currently in the hospital are particularly unhappy, close to death or long queue issues that need addressing. There are further ways to locate issues more precisely that are useful in conjunction with this overview.

Icons do appear above the hospital, when zoomed out, allowing for easier location of issues, such as, long queues or unhappy people. In addition, if you have patients close to the death, you can use the Patient List to help sort and locate them quickly.

Cure Rate

This chart can display the overall cure rate of the hospital by year or by yearly quarter (Qtr) by using the button above the graph. Giving you a very quick way to identify if the overall cure rate in your hospital is high, low and which direction is it currently trending.


Overview Reputation

Many aspects feed into the hospital Reputation. All of which are listed here and how the hospital is and has been performing in each area. Overall reputation influences the rate at which patients arrive and new staff apply for a job at the hospital. Improving each area will improve the overall hospital reputation.

  • Medical - Based on how successful you are at curing patients with each illness. Also influenced by marketing.
  • Patients - Based on the happiness of patients in the hospital, and how many there are.
  • Prices – Based on the prices you charge visitors, relative to market prices in this area.
  • Staff – Based on the happiness of staff working at the hospital, and the size of your team.
  • Publicity – Based on VIP visits, awards, marketing, and success in other special challenges.

Patient Statistics (Total)

View the total amount of visitors that have visited the hospital and how those visitors have been broken down.

Treatments covers the total amount of visitors that have received treatment at the hospital with the numbers below breaking those treatments into the various outcomes. Those that were successfully cured, those who's treatment was completely ineffective and visitors that died as a result of their treatment.

Deaths cover not only those who died from poor treatment but also those who died from degrading health. If a patients boredom falls to 0%, they will 'Rage Quit' and leave. The remainder are those you actively Sent Home.

The aim is to have a high number of total visitors and Treatment cures, while simultaneously, keeping the rest as low as possible.


A line graph with toggle buttons to easily display ongoing trends of all subjects covered in the Patients tab. This graph can display for the past Year or Month and exact numbers can be displayed anywhere along the line in the graph using the curser.

Patient Graph

Data available to display on the graph is everything else that can be found in the Patient Overview but in one graph, with less detail but covering a larger amount of time.



The Log, keeps a log of every activity in the hospital. This includes every staff action, patient update, and financial transactions.

Log All

You can have the log display everything, or, using the buttons along the bottom, sort the information to display all the Staff log activity only, all patient log activity only, or just financial transactions.

To find out more details of what each column display means, see these subjects; Money, Reputation, Diagnosis, Illness Difficulty, Diagnosis Certainty, Staff Skill, Upgrades.


Log Staff

Every staff member has a Log in their Inspector, which keeps a record of everything they have been doing. This Overview Log is a list of every staff members log in one location for easy viewing. Staff activity recorded in the log:

  • Training - Including qualifications, pay rises and promotions.
  • Breaks - All staff breaks, leaving for break and returning from break.
  • Patient Treatment - Including all check-ins, diagnosis and treatment (success and fails).
  • Janitors - All repairs, upgrades, restocked vending machines, toilets unblocked and more.


Log Patients

Every patient has a Log in their Inspector, which keeps a record of everything they have been doing. This Overview Log is a list of every patient activity in one location for easy viewing. Patient activity recorded in the log:

  • Arriving
  • Reception
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment (success and fail)


Log Money

Every action in the hospital that either generates money or costs will be listed here. This includes all steps of patients care, as well as:

  • Staff Wages Paid
  • Energy Bill - All lamps, heaters and air con units cost in energy to power.
  • Retail Sales - Revenue from all vending machines, phones, arcade machines, shops and more. Depending on Prices set.