Two Point Hospital Wiki


The Drug Mixer is a Treatment machine, used only in the Pharmacy by a Nurse to cure patients with a multitude of illnesses. It is first made available during the tutorial section of Hogsport.



In its initial form, the drug mixer is grey, with a triangular prism as its main section and protusions to either side, all with very rounded edges. In the centre is a dispenser where drugs are made available, and on the right is a lever with a green knob and a red button. A centrifugal device is set in the top, which extends during treatment to reveal three vials containing red, blue and yellow liquids.

The Drug Mixer II adds to this further, smaller protusions to each side, and the rear.

The Drug Mixer III further adds cylindrical devices to each side, topped with the same icon as the centrifuge, as well as three tanks on the reverse of the machine containing the same liquids used in the centrifuge.


Upon activation, from the top rises a centrifuge that spins three very colorful vials, which then descend back into the machine. A white cup is dispensed, which the Nurse then hands to the Patient, containing their Treatment drugs.



The Drug Mixer loses 5-10% of its maintenance gauge with each use. Once the gauge falls below 50%, a Janitor will automatically be called to repair it. A janitor can be summoned manually by selecting the machine and pressing Call-Janitor-Button.

Should the maintenance gauge fall below 15%, the machine will catch fire. A janitor will need to use an Extinguisher to put this out before the gauge reaches zero; if it is allowed to do so, the machine will explode, leaving wreckage which must be sold and replaced with a new machine before the room can resume functioning.


Upgrades are performed by a Janitor with the Mechanics Qualification. The machine will not be accessible while this work is being done, although it can be interrupted and resumed without losing progress.

Drug Mixer II
Improved (and all new) drug recipes. Drug-Mixer-II
Unlock Base-Icon Lower Bullocks
Treatment Power +25%
Estimated Upgrade Time 37 Days
Cost Currency10,000
Drug Mixer III
Enhanced (and all new) drug recipes. Drug-Mixer-III
Unlock Base-Icon Mitton University Star-IconStar-IconStar-Icon
Treatment Power +50%
Estimated Upgrade Time 112 Days
Cost Currency20,000



Pharmacy-Icon Pharmacy


A Nurse-Icon Nurse will be required to run the Pharmacy, and by extension the Drug Mixer.

In addition, a Janitor-Icon Janitor will be required to maintain the machine, with Mechanics-Icon Mechanics Qualifications in order to provide upgrades.



Originally named Drug Dispenser, priced at $500
